How to Start a Survivalist Fire
The world is full of disasters, and that's something we just can't deny. Well, we may think it's safe but the reality is that nature fights back, and when it does, we all need to be prepared. Reflect on this- sometimes, hurricanes come and sweep away all we need. There are other times when there's too much cold. In some instances, our homes are demolished during a war, and we definitely need to survive.
And even when nothing close to that is happening, we all like camping! In all these situations, we need to know how to start a survivalist fire!
Survivalist fire
This is a kind of fire that needs you to start without a lighter. Noteworthy, fire can be a great source of warmth, security and even food! In extreme conditions, you need to know how to make it work. When nature makes the situation difficult, you need to survive. Lighting a fire without any matchbox or lighter requires you to have the skills. Ferro rod is one of the most popular (and efficient) ways of doing this. For more info go here waterproof matches case.
What is a Ferro Rod?
This is a substance that when exposed to friction burns to around 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. You do not need to bruise yourself trying to exact the friction. Instead, you only need to rub it against a rough surface- a rock for example- and then the fire will come from it-pap!
So, when you want to prepare a fire in a place where you do not have a lighter, the first thing you need is the fuel. This means that you may need to look for firewood. Of course, it's not expected that you will have gas in the woods. So, the main things that you will have are grass, woods, and leaves. You need to make a tinder nest with the finest dry vegetation.
Then, you will need to find a place that is far from other vegetation. As a survivalist, you understand that lighting fire in such a place can end up burning up the entire forest. I am sure this is nothing close to your goals!
So, find the perfect part to light the fire. Make sure it is a dry place. Then, rub the Ferro rod near the nest. Immediately the sparks appear, the nest will start a small fire that you need to blow gently to provide the oxygen necessary for combustion. Eventually, the tinder will burn the firewood, and there you go! Learn more about survival lighters at this website.
To make homemade fire starter logs, head over to